English Edition
Dhivehi Edition
July 8, 2024
Photo: PSM

In a significant move within the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), President Abdullah Shahid has nominated Hisan Hussain, the party’s Legal Director, for the position of Vice-President.

Announcing his decision on social media, Shahid conveyed his intention to appoint Hisan as the MDP Vice-President and has formally submitted the proposal to the National Assembly for approval, as per the party’s regulations.

“Hisan has demonstrated unwavering dedication to the MDP and its members,” Shahid remarked, highlighting Hisan’s extensive service record within the party. “I firmly believe she is the most qualified candidate for the role of Vice-President.”

Shahid also underscored the importance of gender representation within the MDP leadership, noting that appointing Hisan would address the current imbalance.

Under MDP rules, the Vice-President is appointed by the National Assembly based on the recommendation of the party president.

Hisan Hussain, known for her legal acumen and advocacy, has been an integral part of the MDP’s legal team and has actively contributed to shaping the party’s policies and strategies.

The proposal comes at a crucial juncture for the MDP, which is gearing up to strengthen its internal structures ahead of upcoming elections. The move is seen as a strategic effort by Shahid to enhance the party’s appeal and inclusivity, particularly among women leaders.

The National Assembly is expected to deliberate on the appointment in the coming days, marking a pivotal moment in MDP’s leadership dynamics.

Hisan Hussain is a prominent figure in Maldivian legal circles, having served as the Legal Director of the Maldivian Democratic Party for several years. She is known for her advocacy on human rights issues and has been actively involved in shaping legal reforms within the party.

Abdullah Shahid’s nomination of Hisan Hussain for the Vice-President position signals a proactive step towards gender equity and leadership diversity within the MDP, reflecting ongoing efforts to strengthen the party’s internal governance and prepare for future electoral challenges.