English Edition
Dhivehi Edition
June 23, 2024

Tourism Minister Ibrahim Faisal announced that the government is working on special plans to expand tourism across all provinces in the country. In an exclusive interview with PSM News, Minister Faisal outlined the government’s commitment to developing a specified number of tourism beds in each Atoll by the end of the current term.

Minister Faisal emphasized that one of the key strategies to encourage tourism in underdeveloped areas is to offer concessions to investors. He mentioned that ongoing discussions with government officials and tourism industry leaders aim to create favorable conditions for investment in these regions.

The national airline, Maldivian, is expected to play a significant role in this expansion. Minister Faisal expressed his vision of involving Maldivian in bringing tourists directly to the Atolls. He also proposed to the Economic Council, in consultation with the President, to consider offering concessions on acquisition costs and tax incentives by amending existing laws.

Minister Faisal highlighted the need for between 4,000 to 6,000 tourism beds to sustain tourism in a Atoll. He stated that priority would be given to local tourism, with a plan to create 2,000 beds owned by locals through local tourism initiatives, and an additional 2,000 to 3,000 beds through One Island resorts. This development would be supported by the construction of international airports in the provinces to facilitate direct flights, including those operated by Maldivian.

Additionally, the Ministry of Tourism is working to promote each Atoll as a distinct destination, aiming to diversify the tourism sector. Minister Faisal mentioned the Visitor Economy Council, chaired by President Mohammed Muizzu, which has approved a proposal on promoting tourism in the Maldives. The council will explore opportunities in sports tourism, medical tourism, and educational tourism to further enhance the country’s tourism offerings.