English Edition
Dhivehi Edition
June 7, 2024
Photo: Ministry of Islamic Affairs

President Mohamed Muizzu’s administration commenced its tenure with a firm resolve to address the challenges and adversities encountered by the Maldivian populace, particularly in matters pertaining to religious obligations. One such commitment outlined by President Muizzu was the pledge to alleviate the hardships faced by Maldivian pilgrims seeking to perform the sacred Hajj pilgrimage.

In a bid to strengthen Hajj-related arrangements and ensure equitable access to this significant religious obligation, President Muizzu’s presidential pledge emphasized the government’s commitment to facilitating the pilgrimage for those who may not have the means to undertake it independently. The pledge entailed sending 1,000 pilgrims, who were unable to afford the journey, at the government’s expense within the initial five years of his presidency.

During his inaugural term, President Muizzu announced plans to send 1,000 financially disadvantaged individuals for Hajj, underscoring the government’s dedication to fulfilling its promise. The announcement was made amidst a public address to the residents of M. Mulaku during the early stages of the presidential election campaign on August 18, 2023.

President Muizzu reiterated the government’s commitment to supporting those unable to afford the pilgrimage, emphasizing the importance of strengthening the Free Hajj Corporation to enable the provision of free pilgrimages. As part of this initiative, 50 individuals from economically disadvantaged backgrounds were slated to embark on the pilgrimage within the third week of the presidential term, fully sponsored by the government.

The Ministry of Islamic Affairs, in alignment with the government’s pledge, meticulously reviewed eligibility criteria to select deserving candidates from the pool of applicants. Among the 982 individuals interviewed, 667 met the established criteria, with 50 ultimately chosen to partake in the pilgrimage.

As a testament to the government’s unwavering commitment, two of the 50 government-funded pilgrims have already commenced their journey to Mecca, while the remaining 48 departed during the third flight of Haj pilgrims from the Maldives this year. Prior to their departure, these pilgrims shared their heartfelt gratitude for the opportunity to fulfill their religious obligations.

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom, alongside reaffirming the government’s dedication to fulfilling its pledges, emphasized the importance of streamlining Hajj-related arrangements to address the challenges faced by pilgrims. By allocating all Hajj quotas to the Haj Corporation and implementing measures to enhance its efficiency, the government aims to facilitate pilgrimages at affordable rates.

Furthermore, President Muizzu’s administration has embarked on a multifaceted approach to strengthen Islamic traditions and religious beliefs in the Maldives. Initiatives such as increasing mosque maintenance funds, establishing the Maldives Zakat House, and providing fasting provisions during Ramadan underscore the government’s commitment to fostering religious practices and societal values.

With an emphasis on inclusivity and support for religious obligations, President Muizzu’s government remains steadfast in its commitment to ensuring that all citizens have access to opportunities to practice and uphold their faith.