English Edition
Dhivehi Edition
April 20, 2019
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You are surely familiar with the fact how beneficial the coconut oil is. This natural essential oil can also be used to maintain and improve your dental health too. Dental health is highly important, because there are thousands of studies that show, dementia, respiratory issues, heart diseases, stroke and other heart problems are caused by poor dental health.

One of the most beneficial and effective ways to improve your dental health is to start using natural coconut oil toothpaste!

The coconut oil has one of the strongest antibacterial properties, therefore preventing the bacteria present in our oral cavity from growing every day.

Both in children and adults, tooth decay is triggered by a bacteria present in our oral cavity that is known as S. Mutans or Streptococcus Mutans, which is an acid producing bacteria, and this bacteria is getting its energy from the sugar we intake. Too much acidity is demineraling our tooth’s structure, therefore causing tooth decay.

The head reseacher from Athlone Institute of Technology, Dr. Damien Brady reported that the coconut oil can be used into dental hygiene products, and this ingredient can be a great alternative and replacement for the commercial dental hygiene products that contain some harmful ingredients and additives, also it is better because our body can become resistant to antibiotics that are used in those products, making them less effective.

The commercial toothpastes that we are currently using contain sodium lauryl sulfate, fluoride, triclosan and some artificial sweeteners like aspartame, which are bad for our endocrine system, because they are disrupting its function, also affect our taste buds, lead to cancers and cause very serious health diseases and issues.

If you want to avoid all of these harmful chemicals and the side-effects that can be caused from them, then you should definitely give this natural alternative a try. Below we will give you a recipe for a natural coconut oil toothpaste, and once you’ve tried it, you will never replace it or stop using it.